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Game of Thrones Episode 3 Breakdown

Ned, Sansa, and Arya finally arrive in Kings Landing. Ned asks Jory, his loyal guard, to escort his daughters to their rooms while he attends the small council meeting.

Jaime Lannister is sitting in front of the Iron Throne. Waiting for him.

We get a little more insight into their history here.

'It must be strange for you. Coming into this room. I was standing right here when it happened. He was very brave, your brother. Your father too. They didn't deserve to die like that. Nodody deserves to die like that.'

'But you just stood there and watched.'

'500 men stood just stood there and watched. All the great knights of the seven kingdoms. You think anyone said and word? Lifted a finger? No Lord Stark. 500 men and this room was silent as a crypt. Except for the screams of course. And the mad king laughing. And later when I watched the mad king die, I remember him laughing as your father burned. It felt like justice'

'Is that what you tell yourself at night? You were serving some justice? That you were avenging my father when shoved your sword in Aerys Tararyen's back'

'Tell me. If I stabbed the mad king in the belly instead of his back would you admire me more?'

'You served him well. When serving was safe.'

This is the first piece of dialogue that acutally begins to answer what happened 17 years ago and why Jaime is referred to as the Kingslayer. In the previous episode, King Robert said this to Ned on the Kingsroad, 'What the mad king did to your father was unspeakable.' We can now assume he was referring to the Mad King burning Ned's father and brother alive.

Now we meet the members of the small council. Pay attention and learn their faces.

Lord Varys, master of secrets. Lord of Spies. Seems like a trustworthy post.

Lord Petyr Baelish. Master of Coin. He mentions a scar he received from fighting Ned's brother some years ago. They were both fighting over Catelyn Tully, now Catelyn Stark. Not the story I would've opened with, if it were me.

Lord Renly Baratheon is the King's younger brother. He and Ned seem close.

Grand Maester Pycelle. All we learn about him is he serves as Grand Maester for the current King and the previous one.

There's going to be a tournament to honor the new Hand of the King.

Ned discovers that the realm is bankrupt and 6 million gold coins in debt. And this is back when 6 million coins was considered a lot of money.

Queen Cersei is treating baby Joffrey's wolf bite. He's not thrilled about marrying the Stark girl. He doesn't trust the northerners and complains they give them too much power.

'A good king knows when to save his strength. And when to destroy his enemies.' Cersei councils.

'So you agree. The Starks are enemies.'

'Everyone who isn't us... is an enemy.' That's a long list. In fact, that is too many people for a list. Their actual list of enemies should read 'Everyone - Us = Enemy'

Old Nan. She's got stories. She speaks of the winter and the Long Night. And the White Walkers.

It seems there was a time when Winter ruled the land for years and years...

In that darkness the White Walkers came for the first time. They swept through cities and kingdoms, riding their dead horses. Hunting with their packs of pale spiders, big as hounds...' Easy there, granny. The kid is ten. This scene isn't all about blue eyed giants and ice spiders. We learn Bran will never walk again. Real bummer.

Lady Stark and her escort, Ser Rodrik are stopped as they enter Kings Landing. Instructed to bring her safely into the city by none other than member of the small council and Master of Coin, Lord Petyr Baelish.

He brings her to his house of whores. Interesting fella.

Another member of the small council, Lord Varys, examines the Valyrian steel blade used in the attempt on Bran's life.

Baelish confesses the blade is his but he lost it in a bet when he wagered that Ser Jaime Lannister would beat the Knight of Flowers in a jousting tournament. He lost the bet to the imp, Tyrion Lannister.

Tyrion's chilling at the wall, watching Jon Snow beat up all the new recruits.

They are no match for him. But, none of them had a master-at-arms training them to fight since they were old enough to hold a sword.

Jon is having a hard time making friends. Tyrion convinces him to see things from their point of view.

Pyp was sent to the wall for stealing a block of cheese. Grenn for sleeping with a farmer's daughter. They didn't grow up in a castle. Cut them some slack, Jon Snow.

Back in Kings Landing, the King is getting drunk and telling war stories with the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Barristan Selmy.

The King screams at his cupbearer, Lancel Lannister, for more wine and invites the Kingslayer in to the room to join the chat about how people shit when they die.

The three of them are some of the greatest warriors in the history of the realm, but that doesn't stop King Robert from giving his brother-in-law a hard time.

'What did the Mad King say when you stabbed him in the back? Did he call you a traitor? Did he plead for a reprieve?'

'He said the same thing he'd been saying for hours... Burn them all.' It seems the Mad King really earned his name.

On the other continent, The Mad King's daughter, the Khaleesi, has had enough riding and commands everyone to stop so she can pee in the woods or something. I really don't know.

Viserys, doing his best Mad King impression, is about to give Dany the good dragon, bad dragon routine...

But her Dothraki bloodriders are like, uh uh. That's our Khaleesi.

Viserys, incensed at the Dothraki filth for laying their hands on him, commands Ser Jorah Mormont to kill the Dothraki scum.

Ummm. Gonna nope that. I don't work for you, Lady Bird.

Jon wants to go North of the wall with his uncle for some stupid reason. Uncle Benjen says nah. You have a lot to learn, young Padawan.

Tyrion has a drinking problem.

Lord Commander of the Nights Watch, Jeor Mormont and Maester Aemon plead with Tyrion to pass on the news of White Walkers and the impending doom to everyone in the capital, especially his garbage sister, the Queen. Their words.

Jon heeds Tyrion's advice and instead just beating the new recruits senseless, he gives them some tips on how to fight properly. And now they are all best friends.

HAHA. Don't hit my face, you cheeky monkey.

Good lad, Jon Snow. (gulp)

I'm going to miss you, Lannister. You're not a prick like the rest of your god awful, detestable, garbage family.

You too, bast... I'm mean Snow. Stay warm and never go to the other side of the wall. Seems really dumb.

Arya meets her water dance instructor.

Syrio Farel. The former first sword of Braavos.

Arya is no match for the master swordsmen and he impales her to death with his wooden sword.

Ned is reminded that winter isn't the only thing on the way. There's a war coming.


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