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Game of Thrones Episode 4 Breakdown

Bran is having bird dreams.

This bird has three eyes.

Weird little guy.

Theon, Ned's ward, wakes Bran and tells him to get dressed. They have company.

He brings Hodor, the stable boy, to carry Bran because they don't have wheelchairs. Hodor doesn't say a lot.

Robb is Lord of Winterfell in his father's absence and as the lord it is his duty to greet his guests...

Yoren, the recruiter of the Nights Watch, just passing through on his way to Kings Landing...

And Tyrion Lannister. On his way back to the capital after his brief trip to the wall.

He has a gift for Bran.

The blueprints to the Death Star.

Maybe this imp isn't so bad after all.

Northern hospitality.

Theon sees Tyrion out.

Here's a quick recap of what we've learned. We know Theon is Ned Stark's ward. (Robb's Stark's ward when Ned is away). Theon's father is Balon Greyjoy. Nine years ago, Balon Greyjoy rebelled against King Robert and the Iron Throne in what was to be called Greyjoy's Rebellion. During the rebellion, House Greyjoy secured several early victories, including the burning of the Lannister fleet by Theon's uncles. The throne retaliated by storming the Greyjoy stronghold on Pyke Island, crushing the rebellion and killing Theon's two older brothers in the process.

Balon surrendered to King Robert and to keep the peace and ensure Balon's good behavior, his last surviving son, Theon, was given to Ned Stark to serve as his (squire) ward. You will hear more about this rebellion in a scene with Jory and Jaime Lannister in a few minutes.

Meanwhile, Castle Black has a new recruit. He's not in the best shape.

He's not the best fighter.

Jon protects him.

And now they are best friends.

Meanwhile, across the Narrow Sea... They have arrived at the city of the horselords, Vaes Dothrak.

Viserys is still an insufferable fool.

Viserys takes a bath and gives us a little Targaryen history lesson.

He's very angry.

Back in Kings Landing, Ned is meeting with the Grand Maester about a book Jon Arryn was inquiring about days before he died (was killed).

No idea why Jon Arryn was interested in such a boring book.

Got it.

Later that day... Lord Petyr Baelish tells Ned of a man called Ser Hugh of the Vale. Until recently Ser Hugh was just a squire. Jon Arryn's squire. Knighted almost immediately after his master's untimely death. Interesting. Also...

Jon Arryn was seen visiting a certain armorer several times in the days before his death. Might be worth looking into.

Ned sends Jory to talk to Ser Hugh of the Vale.

Which goes nowhere because this dude is a dickhead.

Ned checks in on the armorer to see what brought Jon Arryn here just days before he died.

Apparently Jon Arryn took a special interest in this boy...

King Robert's bastard son.

OK. So. Remember earlier when I said we would hear more about the Greyjoy Rebellion again in this episode? Well this is it.

Jaime and Jory reminisce about fighting the rebellion on Pyke.

Jory got a scar from fighting the Greyjoys. And there was a red priest with a flaming sword.

And then Jaime says something dickish and Jory leaves.

Even later that day... the King awaits the first joust at the Tournament of the Hand.

The first to compete are Ser Gregor Clegane...

The older brother of Sandor 'the Hound' Clegane.

And none other than Ser Hugh of the Vale, himself. Jon Arry's former squire. The man who was granted knighthood the day after Jon Arryn died mysteriously. Ned is suspicious of him. I'm sure he'll want to question him as soon as possible.

But first, they must joust.


Lord Petyr Baelish seizes the opportunity to be a creep face and tell Sansa the story of the time older brother Gregor burned younger brother Sandor's face when they were children.

I guess that explains his face.

Lady Stark and Ser Rodrik are dining at an Inn on the Kings Road on their journey back to Winterfell.

Tyrion and Yoren arrive at an Inn looking for a room where there are none to be had. Tyrion offers gold to anyone who would give up their room.

This fine gentlemen offers up his room for some gold.

Tyrion notices Lady Stark sitting in a booth.

She's convinced this Lannister imp tried to murder her son. So she must take action.

The imp is in trouble.


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