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Where Are All of the Infinity Stones? SPOILERS!!!

Now that the first official trailer for "Avengers: Infinity War" is finally here, it is time to for me to remind myself where all the god damn Infinity Stones are because I always forget.

Here's a quick recap: In the 'Guardians of the Galaxy', the Collector (Benecio Del Toro) lays out the history and significance of the Infinity Stones when the Guardians present him with the orb (Power Stone) that Star-Lord found on Morag.

Here's the video if you need to refresh your memory. It's worth it.

The Collector does a great job summing up what the stones are, but how do they fit into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and where are they now? Let's break down the six stones, in order of appearance.

The Space Stone (Blue)

First Appearance: "Thor", post-credit scene. Nick Fury shows Eric Selvig the Space Stone, known as the Tesseract, and suggests it might possess unlimited power. Loki appears in the shadows looking very pleased.

Significance: In 'Captain America: The First Avenger,' HYDRA finds the Tesseract in a Norwegian church and Red Skull uses it to make very powerful laser weapons, so they can win WWII and take over the world.

But, Captain America steals the Tesseract from Red Skull and crashes his plane into the bottom of an icy ocean. After an exhaustive search, Howard Stark finds the Tesseract at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean and eventually hands it over to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Later in "The Avengers", S.H.I.E.L.D. tries to harness the power of the Tesseract to forge their own weapons of mass destruction and open wormholes to other dimensions.

But then Loki steals it to open a giant gateway for the Chitauri aliens to swoop in and destroy most of New York City.

Where is it now: After defeating Loki and the Chitauri, Thor takes the Tesseract to Asgard to keep it safe.

Towards the end of 'Thor: Ragnarok', we can assume Loki takes the Tesseract before the destruction of Asgard. And this is all but confirmed in the first trailer for 'Avengers: Infinity War' where we see Loki in possession of the Tesseract.

Maybe he's finally living up to his part of the bargain to find the Tesseract and give it to Thanos? We shall see.

The Mind Stone (Yellow)

First Appearance: The Mind Stone is housed in a staff given to Loki by Thanos in "The Avengers" so Loki can control the alien forces that invade Earth to defeat the Avengers and then claim the Tesseract for Thanos.

Significance: Loki uses the stone to control the minds of Eric Selvig, Hawkeye, and various red shirts to do his bidding and steal the Tesseract from S.H.IE.L.D.

Later, in the post-credit scene in 'Captain America: Winter Soldier' we see how HYDRA uses the staff to create enhanced powers for Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch.

In 'Avengers: Age of Ultron', Ultron discovers the ultimate power of the stone and uses it to fulfill his 'vision' by fusing artificial intelligence with sentient beings. He puts the stone in Vision's head.

Where is it now:

It's still in Vision's head. Although the first trailer of "Avengers: Infinity War" seems to show Thanos removing the stone from Vision's head and placing it in the gauntlet. Does that kill him? Is Vision going to die? Is this the end for Paul Bettany??? Does green tea have caffeine???? There's literally no way to know.

The Reality Stone (Red)

First Appearance: "Thor 2: The Dark World". Please don't make me explain this god damn movie. I think the Dark Elf bad guy made a dark matter weapon, called the Aether, out of the Reality Stone and did a bunch of evil stuff with it.

Significance: This stone turns normal matter into dark matter. Sort of a big bang in a bottle sort of thing. And that is a bad thing. I don't know. It's confusing but very powerful.

Where is it now: Thor beat the Dark Elf in the end, naturally. Then Sif and Volstagg bring the Aether (red stone) to the Collector to keep it far away from the Tesseract. This is our introduction to the Collector (del Toro).

The Power Stone (Purple)

First Appearance: The Power Stone is hidden inside the orb Peter Quill finds in the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy.

It subsequently falls into the hands of Ronan the Accuser who tries to use the stone to destroy Xandar. The Guardians of the Galaxy stop him, of course.

Significance: This stone kills whomever or whatever it touches, except for half-'god' Peter Quill.

Where is it now: The Guardians gave it to Glenn Close for safekeeping.

The Time Stone (Green)

First Appearance: "Doctor Strange". The Time Stone is encased inside the Eye of Agamotto, the ancient relic Doctor Strange uses to create a time loop to trap the evil Villain, Dormammu, threatening him with eternal imprisonment which results in his surrender and total abandonment of his evil plan to conquer Earth.

Significance: It can create a god damn time loop.

Where is it now: The Masters of the Mystic Arts are taking good care of it.

The Soul Stone???

First Appearance: Who knows? We haven't seen it yet. Maybe it will pop up in "Black Panther" or Infinity War. I'm betting it will show up in "Black Panther". But it could be Infinity War. But probably "Black Panther".


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