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X-Men Ranked - UPDATE

Update. Just finished rewatching the series. My rankings have not changed but I feel my attitude has. Spoilers ahead.

10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

None of this makes any sense. Is that the same Sabretooth from the first... you know what. I don't care.

10. X-Men: Apocalypse

Yes. There is a three way tie for last place.

10. X-Men: The Last Stand

I have a question about every second of this movie. Like why did Magneto do that ridiculous thing with the bridge? Why doesn't Logan just inject Jean with one of those magical needles that are literally lying all over the place instead of stabbing her? Why does he always stab everybody all the time? Why does Ellen Page run like that? Who the hell is that dude with the wings and why are they trying to make him such a big deal? What the fuck is a juggernaut bitch?

7. The Wolverine

Not terrible. Sort of like french fries that have been sitting out for thirty minutes. I'll eat them. But I'm not celebrating it.

6. X-Men

Frogs and lightning don't mix. That's true. Every movie has scenes or lines that are in the script but don't make it to the final cut. Think about that.

5. X2: X-Men United

Pretty good, but I still don't know why Rogue is part of the team. What the hell does she do? Ever.

4. X-Men: Days of Future Past

It's just a little too long. Probably could have cut all of Rogue's scenes. Seriously she is the worst and doesn't do anything.

3. X-Men: First Class

Hot take. McAvoy and Fassbender are better than their predecessors and you know it's true.

2. Deadpool

It's an X-Men movie. Shut up.

1. Logan

Not just a great X-Men film, but a great film film. One of the best film films of the year. And possibly the best comic book movie ever. And no Rogue. So that's amazing. I hate her.


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